These Femme Fatale’s rocked this Raw artist Runway! Special thanks to RAW Artists Denver for this awesome Artist Showcase by RAW Denver - ENVISION Event & everyone who participated and made this magic happen! Absolutely love Raw Artist shows, they are a great mix of all artist from all walks of life join together to make this incredible night of ART/FASHION happen! So grateful to be a part of the family as an artist and a guest! There is a lot of hype in the reasons for showcasing for Raw, and a lot of the concern of selling 20 tickets as a designer to showcase. I am a business women myself, been in the nightlife for years and can understand why Raw uses their resources from the clients to give them a platform to showcase well! The 20 tickets were not hard to sell, I had my amazing models help me get to the show by selling a couple/few themselves. Which got us to the 20 tickets sales pretty quick! I would never be where I am today with out the love and the support from my amazing family and peeps!! Raw gives half the amount of sales to the designers after the ticket sales amount is reached, to the designer. I can just say, we got a hefty deposit a couple weeks later! Wanted to thank Raw for that as well! Always great to get $$$ sent to you for hard work you did. This show caught my interest mainly because it is a self sustained company, who provides a platform and exposure for independent artist, musicians, designers, fashion, & dancers to showcase their passion for the last 10 years, and over 60 cities across the nation! All my guest, including myself enjoyed the event! So many of my peeps bought art as well from local artist showcasing their good though out the venue.
I would do the show again, and again! Great Energy! Great Vibes! Loved it all! And Cheers to Tania Birker for being one bad ass coordinator for this event! Couldn't do it with out you!
Thank you again Raw Artist Denver, you ROCK!!!

Here is a short bio on Raw Artist:
Glam Squad • Jess Gannaway@harlotofhair, Dahlia Updos and Makeup@dahliaupdosandmakeup ,Dahlia Sanchez, Veronica Hernandez, NV Salons@veronicaolgahernandez11 , @nvsalonscolorado Models • Kenzie Long @long.kenzie, Stevie Wonder@thesteviemay, Suzanne Simone@suzsimone, Ansherea James@ansherea,Miya Danae@danae1188, Phoenix Lynne Alden@phoenixlynne, Carrie Hinton @bearofcare,Jenn Rowland@jenn_rowlandxo